Friday, May 29, 2009 !
Written on;10:57 PM

Click on the banner to shop! rate: 0.05Handling fee: $0.50 eachSeller speed:1mth for instock items and 1.5-2mths for items that require restockingPending orders:[0/10]Paid Orders: [10/10]]Total orders: 8bagsOrders:sihui[1 bag, $18]
paidNurbaya [1bag, $17]
paidSyanni [1bag, $16]
paid [1 bag, $14.45]
paid [2 bags, $36]
paidJanice [1 bag, $15.95]
paidjeslyn [2 bags, $29.40]
paidAmy [1 bag, $14.95]
paidOrder status:7/6/09 - Spree closed
8/6/09 - orders sent, waiting for taiwan side to reply ^^
10/6/09 - taiwan side replied to confirm order but did not giv the total amount with shipping to be paid
12/06/09 - Taiwan side replied with total amount, making payment tmr
13/06/09 - Payment made, waiting for them to verify my payment
15/06/09 - payment verified, 4 restocking
30/06/09 - Bags mailed out! tracking number will be given tmr
1/7/09 - Tracking number!
cc203836800twAir mailing rate:Accessories: $1.50 each
Heavy accessories(shawls, belts, leggings): $2 each
Dresses/skirts/shorts/jackets: $3 each
Denim/long pants/long skirts: $3.50 each
Bags: $4 eachONE time payment Total amount calculation:
Total amount=[(NTD x 0.05)+(no. items x $0.50)+(Total air-mailing)]ORDER FORM:Do send in the order form below filled to to join the spree. Orders sent without the order form will not be entertainedName:
Collection method:normal / registered postage/ meetup
Payment method:posb transfer/ concealed cash
Spree name:
Item number #1[repeat if more than one]
Item name:
Item url:
Price in NTD:

Labels: pgmall1